A few of my current money slaves have not been living up to the best of their abilities...so I am now accepting new ones. Many of you who frequent my blog may be wondering "How do I gain such an amazing privilege of serving Princess Kacey financially?"
Well first of all, You are to be polite when contacting a Goddess, you should be prepared to make a payment WITHOUT whinging, whining or making excuses. Even better is to make the tribute on contact of your own free will. Most Financial Dommes have a wish list, visit it and purchase a gift or send an e mail gift certificate or e mail gift card. It doesn't have to be a huge amount but it does show your devotion and that you are genuine NOT some silly fantasist.
If possible set up a monthly contract with me and make sure you have enough funds for it to go through, the aim is to make me happy and show you can be trusted. Even if its only $50 a month ...if that is all you can tribute from your budget provided & you do not let the Goddess down. You will reap the rewards in other ways.
Surprise gifts are another source of great joy for me. If its on my wish list it means its something I would like to receive.
One of the most important things to keep in mind is.....ACTUALLY READ THROUGH MY SITE! Dont just skim through the pics. I hate answering questions that are already answered here. So to sum everything up, if you wish to be my new pay pig...
1. Email me at PayPrincessKacey@gmail.com
2. Introduce yourself properly and respectfully. State exactly how you plan on contributing to my lavish lifestyle.
3. Attach some form of tribute....amazon gift card, niteflirt payment, greendot, etc.
This is the proper way to gain my attention :)